Along the C & O Canal at mile marker 80.9 First known as Mercersville, after Charles Fenton Mercer, who served as the first president of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company from June 1828 through June 1833. Mr. Mercer, from Loudon County, Virginia, also served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from his home state. John William (Jack) Taylor, who operated a general store at this location for over fifty years.
The name Taylor's Landing is after John William "Jack" Taylor (1868-1948), Jack operated a general merchandise store for half a century in the basement of his stone residence at "Taylor's Landing", favorite stopping off place for canal boat operators to replenish supplies of food, as well as for summer residents. He loved to reminisce about the canal during its heyday, when his business was brisk. After the canal closed, Jack continued to operate his store, but he had to depend upon the people who came there in the summer time and the not too many people who lived in that section year around.

Informative and interesting, years of major floods are painted on steps at Taylors Landing.