under construction
A public sale notice of 1874 showed that improvements included a stone and frame flouring mill, 66' X 44', 3 stories high and 4 pair of stones that could produce 80 to 100 barrels of flour per day.\
\The mill was in operation until 1936 when it was extensively damaged by a flood. The mill was owned by William H.C. Kemp and his family from 1878 to 1937. Prior to that, it was operated by Abraham Leiter who purchased it from Henry Ankeney in 1855.
Ankeney purchased it from John Miller in 1838. Peter and Matthias Miller acquired the mill in 1810. Prior to this time it was owned by Nicholas and Benjamin Swingley. An atlas of 1794 showed a mill on this site owned by "Swingle".
Image after the 1936 flood .