Here lies the remains of
Born 18th Sept 1738
Died 10th Febry., 1802
Reader WHOEVER thou art
Thy life must shortly end
Prepare in time that God may be
Thine everlasting FRIEND

Just west of the Conococheague Bridge at Williamsport, stands a bronze monument commemorating the burial grounds of one of Washington County's earliest family of settlers, the Friends. In 1739 Charles Friend finally obtained his patent on 260 acres bordering the mouth of the Conococheague Creek at the Potomac River although he had lived there for many years prior. He called his land "Swedes Delight." Many members of the Friend family lived, died, and were buried there. One of the last remaining, and earliest tombstone was for Jacob Friend (1739-1802).
Following the devastating flood of 1936, the Washington County Historical Society made plans to remove the Jacob Friend tombstone and replace it with a bronze placard. Wartime shortages necessitated postponement of the project. In 1945, a John Hoffman, Friend descendent deeded 1/10 of an acre to commemorate the old burial grounds where once had stood numerous "Friend" tombstones.

In 1949, a bronze tablet was created and installed by Edwin F. Darner, a local monuments dealer replacing the last remaining tombstone in the old burial grounds. The tombstone of Jacob Friend, son of Charles, was removed and taken to the Miller House where it has been safely stored for the last seventy-five years. Most of which was in the basement - after all - what do you do with a tombstone?
Many thanks to the Washington County Historical Society who graciously agreed to loan the tombstone to the Williamsport History Museum for display. Williamsport is blessed with a Mayor who appreciates history and, on April 30, 2024, he personally transported the old relic to the town museum at the Springfield Farm Tenant House.
Jacob Friend has come home. Thank you Bill.